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Evening Routine: 6 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

Evening Routine: 6 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Day

We have all heard of the importance of having a good morning routine and how it sets
us up for the day. Equally important, but sometimes overlooked, is the way we spend the last hour before we go to sleep.
Having a consistent evening routine not only helps us to keep track of our day, but also releases any concerns or worries before we go to sleep.
Below, we have listed 6 different questions we recommend to ask yourself every

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Morning

5 Questions To Ask Yourself Every Morning

Starting the day with the right mindset can have a tremendous impact on the rest of the day.
Answer the questions below upon waking up and make them part of your morning routine for a more focused, organized, and happier day.

7 Activities To Include In Your Morning Routine

7 Activities To Include In Your Morning Routine

The importance of having a Morning Routine has been highlighted as one of the most important parts of the day. Having a Morning Routine allows us to set the tone for the day, improve our focus, and feel more energised and active.
We put together seven different activities that aim to help you become more productive, be in control of your day, and respond to challenges with higher clarity.

How Can Journaling Help You Manage Depression And Anxiety?

How Can Journaling Help You Manage Depression And Anxiety?

When dealing with depression or anxiety our thoughts become overwhelming. We are either stuck in events from the past or projecting our thoughts in fear, towards the future.
In both cases, we find ourselves trapped in our minds, surrounded by an infinite number of thoughts loaded with a high negative emotional charge.
Becoming aware and understanding this process, is the first step towards change.

Daily Focus Journal

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